Staff of the DAAD Regional Office Paris
Kilian Quenstedt
Information/documentation, marketing, education fairs, publications, website, IT, training scholarships for history and geography teachers
Telephone: +33 (0)
Max Kroneck
Coordination of the German assistant professors’ and teaching assistants’ programme in France, Study tours for student groups
Telephone: +33 (0)
Catherine Eudine
Grants for training French experts (Programme d'études en Allemagne), Scholarships for language courses at German universities, "Bourses du DAAD” brochure, inviting German speakers to conferences in France, administration of DAAD contacts
E-mail: eudinedaad.deJanique Nyam Nguidjol
Research fellowships for doctoral candidates and postdocs, research stays for experienced researchers, return visits for former scholarship holders, ENA programme
Telephone: +33 (0)
Janine Wenk
DAAD Alumni France Association, study scholarships for artists and architects, study scholarships for postgraduates, German scholarship holders
Telephone: +33 (0)