
Volontariat franco-allemand dans l'enseignement supérieur 2023-24

Appel à candidature pour les structures : le délai de fin de candidature a été prolongé au 19 février 2023

Peuvent répondre à l’appel à candidature les établissements d’enseignement supérieur intéressés à accueillir de septembre 2023 à juin 2024 des jeunes d’Allemagne entre 18 et 25 ans parlant français (minimum niveau B1 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues). Ces volontaires effectueront un Volontariat franco-allemand en France dans le cadre du Service civique.

Les structures intéressées (universités, IUT, grandes écoles, écoles supérieures, CROUS / CLOUS) peuvent déposer leur candidature jusqu’au 19/02/2023 sur notre plateforme VFA@IN.

Vous pouvez également trouver l’appel à candidature ici :

Toutes les informations se trouvent notre site internet


Les offres des établissements d’enseignement supérieur


RheinMain University of Applied Sciences-From Here to Career

Explore practice-oriented programs at Hochschule RheinMain. Shape your future and launch your career in Germany’s economic hub.


Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) - Combined M.Sc. Economic Res...

Are you ready to advance your career in economics? BGSE offers a dynamic doctoral program designed to drive you towards success. Call for Applications. Scholarships Available. Admission with bachelor’...

TU Dortmund

Master of Science in Manufacturing Technology (M.Sc.)

Boost your engineering career by studying Manufacturing in Germany, one of the top Manufacturing nations worldwide! Apply from Feb 1st – Mar 15th at TU Dortmund University. No tuition fees.


Study your way at Leuphana

Unlock your potential with forward-thinking study programmes at Leuphana University in Germany. Shape your future with interdisciplinary learning and global career opportunities!


Deutsch-Französisches Management (DFM) | Doubles diplômes franco-allem...

Vous êtes intéressé.e par les métiers de l’économie et de la gestion et par une expérience en Allemagne durant vos études?


Boost your career with the International Master‘s in Project Managemen...

Boost your career. Acquire a German Master’s degree in Data Science & Project Management. Join us at HTW Berlin – On Campus or Online!

Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics

Brighten your future with a Master’s in Optics & Photonics at KSOP

2-year M.Sc. program taught in English. Graduates excel in Ph.D. studies or industry. Apply by September 30 for intake 2023!

Coburg University (Bavaria) - Financial Management

Kick-start your future career in Financial Management!

If you are interested in management and finance our premium MBA program Financial Management with an optional Dual Degree from UniSC Australia and a Bloomberg Lab could be just right for you!


Full Scholarships Available: Master of Law & Business

Apply by 15 January and study with a full or partial scholarship at one of Germany’s top private universities: Bucerius Law School in Hamburg. Find out more!


Study in Berlin - MBA & International Master’s Programmes

Study management in English. Improve your leadership skills. Gain digital know-how. Become part of an international student body. Benefit from many corporate activities, valuable career consultation a...

University of Cologne

Study in English & Tuition-Free: Master’s in Cologne

Get a globally recognised Master’s degree taught in English. Join the University of Cologne to take your career to the next level — with no tuition fees!



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